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Press release: American Telugu Association (ATA) Convention 2008
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October 27 , 2007


The American Telugu Association is pleased to announce that the Board of Trustees under the present leadership of Chandra Reddy Gavva, President, had their third Board Meeting at Marriot Hotel, Long Island, New York on September 22, 2007 and approximately 150 people attended this historic meeting. It is ATA’s tradition to have a fund raising event kick off at the board meeting and ATA set a new fiscal record by raising over $500,000 in nearly 15 minutes. That money, along with other generous contributions, will go towards funding the 10th ATA Conference and Youth Convention at New York and charitable work in Andhra Pradesh, India and USA. With ATA 2008 theme of “Telugu Thalliki Haaram, Dasamavatharam, Yuvatharaniki Dwaram” (Salutation to Mother Telugu, with ATA 10th appearance and giving way to the next generation), the next year’s event is shaping up to be the best convention thus far and committee members and convention core team along with ATA leaders and members are working with feverish intensity and ideas are materializing into concrete plans.

Dr. Chandra Reddy Gavva President, ATA and ATA 2008 convention leaders.

A follow up kick off meeting of 10th ATA Conference and Youth Convention team was held in the Hindu Temple, Flushing, New York on the auspicious day of Vijaya Dasami on Sunday the 21st October 2007. The convention core team consisting of Mr. Balaram Pammi (Convenor), Vijayapal Reddy (National Coordinator), Stanley Reddy (Co-Convenor), Arjun Dyapa (Coordinator), Rajender Jinna (Executive Director), Pradeep Samala (Conference Secretary), ATA tri-state regional coordinators, conference committee chairs, trustees, regional Telugu association leadership and all conference co-chairs and members were present. ATA leadership in attendance have pledged their support on conducting and carrying out 3 day mega event to take place at Nassau Coliseum, Long Island, New York from July 3rd-5th, 2008. We hope that everyone will help our cause and in a short amount of time, coupled with determination and faith, the fruits of our labors will culminate in July with an extravagant gala featuring dances, actors, spiritual and political leaders and a host a variety and innovative programs that is guaranteed to excite, entertain, inform and unite. The ATA team has initiated plans to invite the honorable Chief Minster of Andhra Pradesh, Dr. Y.S.R. Garu, and the honorable President of USA, Mr. George W. Bush. The ultimate goal of our organization is to hand over the Telugu Samskrithi and Sampradayam to the next generation. While keeping intact our traditions and being Telugu at heart, we live by and proudly represent the ideals and values of the United States of America. ATA also encourages to visit our well developed and user friendly website for further details and up to date information.

ATA 2008 Convention Youth Committee


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