Writer-Director and actor Dasari Narayana Rao makes a comeback
with this curiously titled film. Dasari's strong point has
always been comedy and sarcastic presentation, and he maintains
the same tenor here.
It all begins with suspicious parents (Krishna and Jayasudha)
accusing their daughter of being in love with a boy. The daughter
Deepti (Gazala), who till then does not have any such feelings
towards anybody, out of defiance walks straight into Narasimha
Rao (Srinath) and informs him that she want to turn her parents'
suspicion into truth.
After living a few days together they get closer and then
decide to marry. The boy tells her that he is the youngest
of five brothers - all bachelors because their father wanted
perfect girls for his sons only after verifying the antecedents
of the girls, spanning over " seven generations that
side and seven generations this side." After his death,
the responsibility of the entire family falls on the eldest
brother (Dasari). Giribabu, Chandramohan, Sudhakar and Srinath
play the younger brothers. In such a situation can this young
pair marry at all is the question.
Deepti happens to meet a woman (Kovai Sarala) in the neighborhood
and narrates her woes.
Sarala is tells Deepti what exactly she should do and Deepti
exploits the situation at Dasari's household to her advantage.
The end of course culminates in happy marriage.
This is a full-length comedy, enjoyable almost throughout
its run with Dasari at the helm. He handles the subject well
as its director. Newcomer Srinath acts with ease. For Gazala
this is yet another routine role. Giribabu, Chandramohan,
Brahmananmdam, Kovai Sarala and L.B. Sriram keep humor machine
going non-stop till the end. Krishna and Jayasudha are in
guest roles that appear in the beginning and at the end. Music
is interesting.
The Hindu
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