June 17, 2008

Popular film writer Vennelakanti, who worked for Telugu dubbed version of Dasavataram, said that “Kamal Hassan is a Maha Prasthanam by himself. He is really a Loka Nayakudu, whether he accepts it or not.” He shared the media meet along with Kamal and director Ravi Kumar in Hyderabad on Tuesday.
Hari Om & Haristham
He spoke about some the critical and crucial dialogues he had to write in Telugu to suit the lip-moment of Tamil version. “I thoroughly decided to take the task and return a beautiful output. A few instances: In Tamil, it sounds... Ari Om (which means WE KNOW). It also has reference to Hari. I made it Haristham (We will kill). It suited with Lord Hari too. Similarly the word Loka Nayakuda in the popular number of the film. A careful replacement of Vairamuttu’s diction with correct Telugu word.”
Seven or Three
Regarding the Dasavatarams of Kamal, Vennelakanti said: “I met Kamal several times. While watching the film (prerelease) for work related to my assignment, I got confused with the roles. After watching the first half, I asked: So, Seven avatars will come in the second half? Ravi Kumar said: You have already seen Seven. In second half only Three more.”
Interestingly, Kamal Hassan tried to put the dilemma of Vennelakanti in a single liner: It is a mix of sudoku and crossword.