Audio of Uday Kiran’s latest film Viyyalavari Kayyalu was launched at a function organized in Prasad Labs on the morning of 6 September. This function is attended by ANR, Lagadapati Raja Gopal, L Madhusudhan, L Sridhar, E Sathibabu, Uday Kiran, Neha Julka, Srihari, Sayaji Shinde, Ramana Gogula, Dharmavarapu Subramanyam, Raju Hirwani etc.
ANR launched the audio and gave the first unit to D Rama Naidu.
Speaking on the occasion ANR said, “Lagadapati brothers are in the field of politics, business and movies. I heard the songs of the film. Ramana Gogula scored songs that would be liked by all genre of music lovers.” Lagadapati Sridhar said, “My earlier films became chartbusters because ANR launched them. I am sure that this film too will be a musical chartbuster. Ramana Gogula’s music is going to be highlight in this film. This film is going to be a clean family entertainer like Bommarillu.”
Director E Sathibabu said that this film will release on 5 October.
Jayasudha said that she liked ‘Neelala Kannullo’ and ‘I Can feel it’ songs in this album.
Srihari said, “I told producer that this film is a super hit after listening to the story. I saw the rushes too and I am very much impressed. I started the trend of multi-starrers in Telugu. Sathibabu dealt this subject in an extraordinary style. Ramana Gogula music is going to be an asset.”
Uday Kiran said, “Viyyala Vari Kayyalu is an important film in my career. I worked for this film with lots of passion and interest. The real hero for this film is going to be Ramana Gogula. This audio will be the most memorable audio in my films.”
Viyyalavari Kayyalu links:
• Title announcement
• Photo Gallery |