Cast: Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne, Anthony Hopkins, Djimon Hounsou, Matthew McConaughey
Director: Steven Spielberg
Enetertainment Quotient: 30%
Genre: History/Drama
Runtime: 152 min
MPAA rating: ated R for some scenes of strong brutal violence and some related nudity.
Amistad is a ship, carrying slaves from Africa by the Cuban masters to US in 1939. Cinque, the African tribal leader revolts against the Cuban masters and takes over the vessel. After six weeks of journey, the Amistad is confiscated by US Navy. None of these African slaves know English language. A couple of anti-slavery attorneys take up the case of slaves. The rest of the story is all about how the attorneys could communicate with Africans and how they convince the Supreme Court.
What I liked in the film?
Amistad is a powerful film made on slavery. Steven Spielberg has chosen a very good history-based subject and made a film by having the right filmy nuances. The communication problem between Africans and Americans adds some interesting element to the screenplay. Djimon Hounsou is exceptionally superb as the leader of the tribe. Anthony Hopkins changes his body language to suit the feeble and old ex-president of America.
The scenes I liked
1. Baldwin trying to find out where Cinque has come from by drawing lines on floor and explaining Cinque.
2. The scene in which all the prime characters visit church as Cinque's fellowman explains him the travails of Jesus by showing portraits in the Bible.
3. John Quincy Adams' inspiring speech about slavery in Supreme Court.
4. The final scene in which the Captain sends a letter that says "My dear Mr. Forsyth, it is my great pleasure to inform you that you are, in fact, correct. The slave fortress in Sierra Leone does not exist," after destroying it.
Amistad means 'friendship' in Spanish language.