Cast: Helen Mirren, Julie Walters
Director: Nigel Cole
Enetertainment Quotient: 60%
Genre: Comedy/Drama
Runtime: 108 min
MPAA rating: Rated PG-13 for nudity, some language and drug-related material.
There is a small village called Knapely in Yorkshire, England, where a group of women meet very frequently for their national organization WI (Women's Institute). Annie Clarke (Julie Walters) loses her husband because of leukemia. The friends of Annie at WI want to raise funds to donate a sofa to the local hospital in the memory of Annie's husband. In the process, they (all of them are 50+ women) come up with the radical idea of posing nude for the calendar and auction it. The rest of the story is all about how they succeed in that attempt and how it changed their life forever.
What I liked in the film?
1. The entire idea of elder women posing nude for a social cause and the process in which these timid and traditional British women shed their inhibitions to pose nude is fascinating. It makes even more interesting because this film is inspired by a real incident in Britain.
2. The landscapes are beautiful and I liked those shots of group of women doing exercises every morning amidst those lush meadows.
What I did not like in the film?
The movie should have been ended the moment they become calendar girls and succeed. By making the movie run for 20 more minutes sorting out the problems aroused, the film becomes little dull towards the end.
The scenes I liked
1. The photographer coming out and saying 'It's Calendar' (Like the doc comes out of surgery room and declares 'It's Boy/Girl')
2. The scene in which dying man says to his wife "Women are like flowers. They become more beautiful as they grow. And the last phase of their life is glorious".
3. Explaining the difference between the terms nude/ naked and porn/ art
Similar films: Full Monty
This film shows that women are beautiful irrespective of their age to an extent that they could actually pose nude at the age of 50.