Dinner with friends (2001) TV Review

Dinner with friend (2001) TV

Cast: Dennis Quaid, Andie MacDowell, Greg Kinnear & Toni Collette
Director: Norman Jewison
Rating: fullstarfullstarfullstar--
Enetertainment Quotient: entertainment 30%
Genre: Drama
Running time: 94 minutes
MPAA rating: R for language

Gabe & Karen (Dennis Quaid & Andie MacDowell) and Tom & Beth (Greg Kinnear & Toni Collette) are two married couples. They spend most of their weekends together. Twelve years after their marriage, Beth discloses to Gabe and Karen that her marriage is on the rocks because her husband Tom is in love with another woman Nancy. The rest of the story is all about how they have a closer look at Tom and Beth and realise what makes marriages fail.

What is good in the film?
This movie is centered on two couples and shows how a small indifferent attitude to certain aspects affects the marriage bond in a big way. There are pretty long conversations in the film exploring small issues that make a big difference in a marriage. The conversation between Dennis Quaid and Greg Kinnear towards the end is thought provoking (about how kids build cities with Legos and destroy their hours of hard work in a split second to build a new one. He compares it to their marriage – working hard for twelve years of marriage and then taking a decision to divorce and marry somebody else)

What is not so good in the film?
If you enjoy watching movies with long dialogues about marriages, you might like this film. Otherwise this film is pretty boring.

Tailpiece: My renting this DVD is a classic example of what happens when you do not have a proper guide about which DVD to rent. Basically this film is a TV film by HBO. I realised it only after coming home! Fortunately, it is not a bad film!!

Ratings Legend

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