Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson & Donald Sutherland
Director: Andy Tennant
Enetertainment Quotient: 60%
Genre: Adventure / Comedy / Romance
Runtime: 113 min
MPAA rating: PG-13
Benjamin (Matthew McConaughey) is a sea treasure hunter who is set on to explore the treasure of 40 chests of gold lost during a voyage in 1700’s. He has an estranged and later divorced wife Tess (Kate Hudson). Tess work at a Yacht owned by a multi-billionaire (Donald Sutherland). The story of the film is all about how Benjamin and Tess work together to find the treasure.
What I liked in the film?
It is a treasure hunt film, but not in traditional aspect. Equal importance is given for both treasure hunt and romance.
What I did not like in the film?
The film is bit clichéd and boring at times. There are a couple of provocative scenes like sword falling between widely spread thighs of the lady and the sex in old abandoned church.
The scenes I liked
1. The intro scene where the boat of Benjamin sinks right behind them when they explore deep sea.
2. Tess hitting Benjamin with a cane by borrowing it from an old man.
Fool’s Gold is a kind of movie which we do not like when watch on big screen, but finds passable when we watched it on DVD. Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson acted together in ‘How To Lose a Guy in 10 days’. The director’s previous two movies were Hitch and Sweet Home Alabama.