Nobody's Fool (1986)

Nobody's Fool (1986)

Cast: Rosanna Arquette, Eric Roberts, Stephen Tobolowsky
Director: Evelyn Purcell
Rating: fullstarfullstarnilstarnilstarnilstar
Enetertainment Quotient: entertainment 20%
: Drama/Romance
Runtime: 107 min
MPAA rating: PG-13


Cassie (Rosanna Arquette) is a poor barmaid. She has a miserable past with a boyfriend who deserted her when she told him that she was pregnant. She gives birth to a baby and gives it up for adoption. Riley (Eric Roberts) works for a theatre group from LA that has come to Cassie’s village for staging their shows. Cassie meets Riley. The rest of the story is all about how she finds true love with him.

What is special in this film?
It is an offbeat film that follows no formula.

The film tries to portray love between two people with a troubled past. However, the director fails to narrate it convincingly and so it appears artificial. Overall, Nobody’s Fool (1986) though not a well-made film has its share of interesting moments.

Ratings Legend

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