Deva and Dhanush are two names of the same person. For sometime
he is a terrorist (Deva) and later he arrives as a college
student (Dhanush) to reform the college politics. In between
these two roles (played by Navveen Vadde), there is an accident
that changes Deva into Dhanush, young man who does not remember
his past. The latter role occupies good length of the film
and hence the film earns this title.
The film takes off with Deva and his friend Anand arriving
in the city to assassinate the State Home Minister. But in
the chase the police vehicle and that of Deva's collide. Though
Deva loses his memory he does not lose combat skills. But
the sub inspector (Surya) goes into coma and is admitted to
a hospital. Deva's combat skills attract the principal of
a college (Kavita), who is facing lot of problems in her college,
because of some goons. She wants this young man, whom she
calls as Dhanush, to restore order in her college.
The college politics are so deep rooted that college elections
always result in a murder. Now one Subba Rao is the choice
of the principal, while Vicky (Rajiv Kanakala) wants to upset
the whole election. He is the son of a rowdy - Narasimha (Jeeva).
Dhanush takes charge of things of things and thrashes the
rowdy elements. He also enrolls himself in college as a student.
He keeps Vicky and his friends under check. Narasimha is jailed
for his high-handed criminal behavior.
Meanwhile Dhanush starts loving Jyothi (Kiran Gill), the daughter
of the principal. But Rambabu (Sivajiraja), brother of the
principal also keeps an eye on her. He advises Jyothi not
to love Dhanush, as nobody knows who Dhanush is. Overhearing
this, Dhanush gets upset and prepares to leave. But the principal
requests him to stay and promises to get her things stat changing
quickly. Narasimha gets released and starts settling score
with Dhanush. That is when Vicky's girl friend Mumtaz, who
knew Deva, reveals who Dhanush really is. The police officer
(Surya) in the hospital comes out of coma and is on the hunt
again for terrorists. In the shoot out Deva regains memory.
Whether Deva pursues his terrorist what the film deals with
in the final part of the drama.
The script is very weak. Navveen fails to impress as Dhanush
in the scenes where he has to show the difference between
a normal man and one who has lost his memory. And the scenes
that make him regain that faculty look farcical. The comedy
track featuring Brahmanandam and Dharmavarapu Subramanyam
is stale and repulsive. Debutante Kiran Gill, in the role
of Jyoti, looks quite promising. Music and photography are
better than the text of the film.
The Hindu