August 7, Hyderabad
Chief Minister Dr. Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy launched “Hyderabad Josh,” a lifestyle magazine, here on Thursday. Noted film director Dasari Narayana Rao, who was the guest of honour, unveiled the logo of the magazine. The Chief Minister handed over the first copy of the inaugural issue to Mr.Dasari Narayana Rao. Mr. Mohan Goteti, a senior journalist and recipient of Nandi award (twice), is the editor and publisher of Hyderabad Josh.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said: “the magazine looks very good.” He said the magazine, which contains diverse elements like cinema, lifestyle and fashions, is apt for the city, which is growing rapidly. He hoped that it would have positive elements as reading fare. He said: “It is significant that the magazine is being launched in the presence of Mr. Dasari Narayana Rao.”
Mr. Dasari Narayana Rao said Hyderabad Josh is “the need of the hour.” Mentioning that such magazines were popular in Mumbai, Kolkata and other metros, he commented the in general Youth were interested in glossy magazines. Recalling his stint as a journalist before he attained fame in the film world, Mr Dasari said that at heart he still loved the profession.
Mr Dasari hailed Mr, Mohan Goteti, the editor and publisher of Hyderabad Josh, for being an exemplary film journalist. Citing Mr. Mohan’s record as a journalist, which includes receiving two Nandi awards for being the best film critic, Mr. Dasari remarked: “ a critic’s work should be an eye-opener and not something that reddens people’s eyes.”
Hyderabad Josh, which is targeted at the city’s Next Gen, is being published by SMS publications. Mr. S.B.S.N.Raju, Chief Operations Officer, Mr. K.V.Subba Rao, General Manager, Mr. A. Prabhu, senior journalist, were among those present at the launch function, which was held at the Chief Minister’s camp office.