Chiranjeevi is rendering his voice to the Telugu version of Bollywood animation blockbuster ‘Hanuman’. Manmohan Challa is dubbing the Telugu version of this film on Hyderabad Innovatives banner. Sharat Marar is presenting this film. A press meet was arranged during the morning of 16th May.
Producer Manmohan Challa said, “We approached Percept company in February to ask for Telugu dubbing rights. I approached Sharad Marar who introduced me to Allu Arvind and then to Chiranjeevi. Chiranjeevi accepted to render his voice. We are also releasing merchandize of Hanuman film. GK Mohan helped us in packaging the film. We are planning to release this film on 2nd of June.”
Presenter Sharat Marar said, “Hanuman is an apt children film for this summer. Hanuman is the first animation blockbuster made in India. I had been closely associated with Chiranjeevi for the past seven years and he accepted the project immediately when we approached him. Chiranjeevi is known for tremendous adaptability. Animation is a universal medium. Only the voice defines language. Chiranjeevi’s voice will have instant connectivity to the lord Hanuman character. Incidentally Chiranjeevi is also a great devotee of Lord Hanuman. Actor Uttej coordinated the dubbing aspect of entire film. We used artists from cinema, TV, theater and radio media to dub the voices of various characters in this film. Hemanth (director of Premayanamaha film) is taking care of postproduction aspect of this film in Sabdalaya studios. GK Mohan is helping with the promotion and packaging of this film."
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Wallpapers (with Chiranjeevi) |