Veteran actor Giri Babu is going to wield the megaphone after a gap of many years. He is going to a direct a film titled Nee Sukhame Ne Korutunna… (NSNK) with Raja and Sneha in the main leads. Chappidi Hanumantha Rao is going to present this film. Teja, Venkat and Subba Rao are going to be co-producers of this film. Giri Babu also produces this film on Ranabheri Art Pictures banner. This press meet was attended by Raja, Giri Babu, Raghu Babu, Kota, Chalapati Rao, Pokuri Babu Rao, Madhavapeddi Suresh, Vennelakanti, Gowri Shankar, Suresh, Jayalalitha etc.
Speaking on the occasion Giri Babu said, “It is a wonderful love story with good human values. I had Raja in my mind while scripting the story. Sneha is the best choice for the heroine role. Raja is going to be acting with Sneha for the first time. I taking care of story, screenplay and direction in this film. Though I am officially the producer, it is Chappidi Hanumantha Rao, Teja, Venkat and Subba Rao who are the real producers of this film. I would like to thank those people who felt that I could make a good film. Raghubabu is doing a variety role in this film.”
Hero Raja said, “I am doing in the direction of Giri Babu for the first time. I accepted this project because I have confidence in the ability of Giri Babu.”
61st birthday celebrations of Chappidi Hanumantha Rao were held at the same venue.