13 January 2015
Ladies & Gentlemen is an upcoming Telugu film produced by Madhura Sreedhar Reddy and Dr. MVK Reddy under Shirdi Sai Combines banner. PB. Manjunath is debuting as director with this film and film is all set to release in this Month. Item Girl Surabhi who danced for the peppy dance number ‘Cocktail lanti life’ in this film has recently participated in Amitab’s Game show ‘Kaun Banega Karodpathi’ Amitab Bachan appreciated Surabhi and sent ‘ALL THE BEST’ wishes to ‘Ladies&Gentlemen’ team.”We are all excited and happy with Super Star Amitab Bachan’s wishes “ said producer Madhura Sreedhar Reddy.
Chaitanya Krishna, Mahath Raghavendra, Sesh Adavi, Kamal Kamaraj, Swati Dixit, Nikitha Narayan, Jasmine Bhasin… and many others.
Music: Raghu Kunche, Lyrics: Sirasri, Story: Sanjeev Reddy, Cinematography: Jagan Chawali, Editing: Naveen Nooli, Dialogues: Nivas.
PRO: G. Sreenivas (G.S Media), Production controller: Khan, Publicity designer: Anil Bhanu, Camera equipment: 24 Karat (Sai Charan Reddy), D.I: Annapurna Studios.