Makers are pleased to announce that Yaaneea will play the title character in the film Indrani, which is regarded as India's first superwoman film. The movie's caption "To Save The World We Need More Than A Hero" perfectly fits Indrani's persona while also setting a standard for a superhero film's plot.
According to the director, Yaanea was finalised after multiple photoshoots, outfit checks, and martial arts tests such as sword and nunchaku moves. According to the filmmaker, Yaaneea possesses all of the characteristics required for a woman to resemble a superwoman, including appearance, personality, height, skin tone, and martial arts experience.
Yaanea is an incredible artist who has played major roles in films such as Chorri, Made In Heaven, and the upcoming Gulkanda Tales Series on Amazon Prime. Indrani will be her feature film where she will be playing the titular role. It is a struggle for any actor to deliver a performance of a character for which there has never been a precedent (Indian Super Woman), and the director believes Yaaneea has set a very high standard for any actress who may play a superwoman in the future.
Yaaneea, herself being a screenplay writer, had complete faith in the story and worked really hard and prepared thoroughly before being on set to ensure that every shot was great. In the director's view, she is a single-take artist.
Prepare to see India's First Super Woman Film at theaters near you starting May 24, 2024.