The teaser of Kismath, fronted by Viswadev, Abhinav Gomatam and Naresh Agastya, was dropped by the film’s makers on Sunday. A joint production venture between Comrade Film Factory and Atheera productions, the film is a Srinath Badineni directorial.
Almost one-and-a-half minute in length, the teaser narrates the tale of three down on luck engineering friends (played by Viswadev, Abhinav Gomatam and Naresh Agastya) who booze whenever they manage to gather some funds. “I will see for one more year. If I don’t get a job by then, I will join movies. B Tech writers have a lot of demand,” says Abhinav to an elderly person, while the other friend – Viswadev – is prophesied to earn in crores by a character played by Gangavva much to his mother’s glee. Of the three, Naresh seems to be the sharp and decisive; he also has a love story with Riya Suman. The friends bemoan the fact that days are passing by but their luck is not changing. They are, however, hopeful of a better future. Soon they see themselves entangled in a dangerous gig, which lands them in a spot of bother. How they come out of it, while generating a ton of laughs seems to form the crux of the story.
Rounding up, the setting is earthy and the gags land, with both Abhinav and Naresh in fine form. While the teaser slightly seems to have a hangover of Brochevarevarura, the fact that the humour is organic should augur well for the makers. The production values are decent, while the peppy background score complements the mood of the teaser.