The trailer of Revu, featuring new faces Vamshi Ram, Ajay, Swathi Bheemireddy and Evuri Hari was released by the makers on Friday and it promises to be a gritty rural drama with elements of one-upmanship, revenge and remorse.
Almost three minutes in length, the trailer opens with a fisherman rushing to another man Muduru, saying that Nagesh, a scheming elderly personality, has purchased a boat which is the size of a hill. The backdrop is a water body and it seems to deal with the lives of fishermen. As the trailer unfolds more, we see a newlywed couple who seem to be the primary protagonists. Because of the new boat, the other fishermen believe that their livelihood is at stake. They have to find a way and they do but it is not without skirmishes and bloodshed against the rich and mighty. What happens next seems to form the crux of the story.
Overall, Revu trailer packs in a lot of drama within its running time, promising a raw and rustic entertainer laced with action, gore and touch of romance. The characters are real while the performances are natural.
Produced by Dr Murali Chand Ginjupalli and Naveen Parupallli, Revu sails into cinemas on August 23.