July 8, 2006

Hello Idlebrain/Sekhar,
To begin with Sekhar Kammula (Sekhar) films. I would start with his recent movie Anand. I am sure he did spent lots and lots of sleepless nights and which made TRUE success as he deserves it.
Why his movies are different?
Natural/Realistic: Yes! I don't name it his moves are "different" rather I call (Natural / Realistic / Touching ) which inturn we call with a simple word called "different" and this is one of his great speciality. I believe his greatest resort is choosing right actors and make them as real characters with his powerful training as this might not possible for all the directors.
Screenplay/Dialogues: I saw Anand 100 times till now with my family as I have 18 months old kid and he likes Anand very very much I don't know what magic in that movie as "there is also one dialogue "there is some magic around me" --Roopa, Also the greatest attraction of Sekhar is his dialogues which is very simple ( like "nenu thanatho matladuthnna (Rahul) and Anand says "thanakosam matladuthunna") these are very simple to understand at the same time very logical and powerful.
And the fantastic screenplay, In all his moves we don't feel it is a movie rather I think he will shoot the movie without knowledge of characters. That his specialty. Like if people know that he is front of camera then his feelings might little differ and the same way if a person doesn't knows he is in front of camera that scene will be a real realistic ones. And Sekhar is very special in this.
Attitude: I strongly believe in attitude "which makes different" and I see in Sekhar's films which shows in every character as this is a biggest asset in Sekhar's cast and for every scene the background score is very very critical and very important as he is very special in choosing that.
I am sure he is completely involved in editing scenes, I don't see immediate cuts in every sceen rather he Sekhar shows a continuity, and situational.
Locations: If Anand movie made in studio then it wouldn't be that realistic. And Sekhar is very effective in choosing locations as this TALKS in every scene.
In overall Sekhar's views/thinking are absolutely brilliant and different and I believe his forthcoming movies would also be a very realistic as his recent movies
I wish him good luck!!!
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