25 February 2016
Satish Kasetty, who won national award for his debut film Hope had directed Terror. Terror, a cop story narrated in terrorism backdrop is releasing on 26 February. Here is an exclusive interview -
What went right/wrong with your previous film Kalavaramaye Madilo?
Two major things went wrong. 1. The release date was decided 8 days before, that is the reason the film was not promoted well, the visibility was very less too. 2. The film was promoted as a youthful film, while the film was a family drama.
Youth came to the theaters, got disappointed. Next week onwards the families started coming, and the word was spreading, we could see 80%, 90% fulls. The movie was removed. Thankfully, on YouTube people are watching it, close to 9 lakh people have watched it and are appreciating it.
It's pretty difficult to get a producer with no commercial hits in your kitty. How did you convince him?
Very simple, a common friend Hari brought Mr Mastan to me, he had a story and he wanted me to make a film on it. He dropped that idea, when I explained how expensive it is to make it. Then i narrated my script, he got connected and said lets do it.
What's Terror all about? Is it inspired by current events?
Yes it is an inspiration of current events.
I have a lot of respect for the people in uniform, the army and the police. I always wanted to do a film on them.
So when I was looking for a subject for a cop, the current events in the world and the country in specific, inspired me to write this script ‘Terror”
Every time there is a terror attack anywhere in the country, a week after it happens, we get to hear the IB had information about the attack and it has passed it on to the state government. If some one in power, who can influence and manage to misuse that information for his ambition, what will happen.
Thus “terror’s” script was born.
‘Terror’ is not about terrorism; it is a cop’s story told in the backdrop of a terrorist attack in Hyderabad. The hero in the film has grey shades, making him look one amongst us.
Tell us about casting and making of the film?
Srikant was the choice for the film right from the time I finished the script. Again, he is the only actor I approached for this role and when I narrated the script to him, he agreed to do it then and there itself.
Mr. Nassar plays his father’s role, who has a conflict with his son. Sudha garu his mother. Kota garu, Chitti and Prithvi as the politicians.
This was easy casting.
The challenge was to get the other 20, 30 actors in various roles.
Vinay verma is an actor seen in some movies, but I have known and seen him for years now on the stage, A brilliant actor. He was a choice I had made much before the casting of the film started.
For one of the character in the film, I had Rajesh Touchriver in my mind while writing itself, Again he is from theatre background.
Sanjay Raiachuri, Ravi Verma, Uttej, Gurucharan, and some small gems like Rishi, Pritadarshi, came in because they suited the roles perfectly. The main villain is Mujtaba in the film, I am introducing in this film.
Regarding the making of the film, well I was given a budget and I worked around it. Frankly if one has the script and he understands it well, filmmaking is easy.
Marketing and publicity play a vital role in creating pre-release buzz. How difficult is it for your film to take it to theaters?
Yes this is a complex problem people are trying to crack it. It is the toughest problem.
‘Terror’ has no songs, which makes it little difficult to promote in the traditional ways.
Your film was complete in August 2015. Why did it take so much time to release?
They delay was because of two things again. First we dint have theaters to release then. Second, once we had a chance to do, our producer got busy with elections, to finish that it took time, hence the delay. For people who don’t know about him, he is a psephologist (the statistical study of elections and trends in voting.)
You have seen Terror movie? What's your gut feel as an audience?
It has compelling story, with a very interesting screenplay. Since it is a thriller, it has a pace to engage me as an audience. Hero Srikant’s performance is by far the best he did so far. The other actors and the story itself will make me interested in the film.
You won national award for your debut film Hope. Tell us about your analysis on National awards with respect to Telugu cinema?
I am sorry to say that there are double standards prevailing here in this industry regarding awards. If an unknown guy gets an award (like me and few others) not many celebrate it. No one feels happy, they will go to the extent of branding him as an award film maker, and an untouchable.
Here every one want an award to their masala films and big hero films, so that they can carry it like a crown and celebrate. Hypocrisy..
Telugu film lovers started encouraging novel theme films and are rejecting routine stuff since last year?
It is because the average film going audience is below 35 years, they are the new generation people who have vast exposure to the national and international movies. Hence they are ready to take in the new kind of movies the industry is producing. To be fair to the audience, they are all ready to see good cinema, it is we who did not make it.
What are your future projects?
I have two love stories, one story involving two generations. The other a physiological thriller (a triangle love story)